About Church Happenings
Information of events of the church is scattered among TV, radio,  websites ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and other media outlets 

Church Happenings aims to present the most extensive place to find happenings in a city, state, or country!
Church Happenings was always the centerpage of the beloved RHEMA Newspaper from Baltimore, MD
  • Thus, Church Happenings of RHEMA has been around since 1993 
  • It is still connected to RHEMA Newspaper and RHEMA Media
  • It is now a majot  center of news

Church Happenings's Leader

Publisher of Church Happenings, Pastor of God's RHEMA CHURCHES, Overseer of RHEMA Affiliated Ministries, Busniness Leader and much more. 

 Overseer Ramsey beleives that these are the most important times HAPPENING in the kingdom of God.



Church Happenings is one of the many ways RHEMA Media serves the church community. 

Along with RHEMA News, RHEMA Mall, RHEMA Bookstore, RHEMA Sports, and much more, Church Happenins work as a part of a team to give the best to the church community. 
All news that presentable to the very presence of God will be allowed to be reported.

If the information is not in agreement with the Bible (KJV), it will not be publish in Church Happenings.

Church Happenings seeks to encourage faith as deemed in the Bible.